Tuscany Virtual Retreat 2022

Give Yourself a Gift This Valentines Day!

February 5-7, 2021 Spots Are Filling Fast!

Dream It  *  Believe It   * Achieve It

Who am I? Robin Joy Meyers

As I approached my 53rd birthday, my daughter turned 21, which was the exact age that I was when my mother died.

It was a wakeup call for me.

A train of realizations hit me hard and sent me on a deep spiritual journey to discover the meaning of my life. Why, who I am and what actually should I be doing that would make me really happy.  Not everyone else's needs and wants that filled my life but my real purpose and ability to feel fulfillment.

What I discovered is that I am a woman who had a voice and mission. To empower women all over the world to create the life that they want. As women we are nurturers and tend to put our needs last, which I did for 53 years. I realized my calling is to be an advocate, educator and mentor so I went into coaching certifications, mindfulness-based stress reduction certification, and leadership empowerment training.

Now a mother of three adult children, I LOVE watching these three unique individuals pursue their passions.  I am thankful everyday that I have this opportunity to have a special adult relationship with each of my children, which I wasn’t fortunate to have with my own mother. But, we all don't just deserve, we need our own purpose and joy.  

That's what I found and since then I have helped countless women to find and live for themselves. Transforming their lives to ones of purpose, fulfillment and true joy.  I mean the joy only a life lived for YOU can provide.

You may have seen me on Hallmark television, on my Youtube channels, my TEDx talk or any of my many appearances on ABC, NBC, Fox News, Thrive and many many more.

There is a revolution underway and women are leading the way.  Your life, lived with purpose and joy is the only life you deserve.  I look forward to helping you on your journey!

Robin Joy Meyers

Virtual Retreat In Tuscany

$97 USD

  • 3 Days of reclaiming your power, and joy!

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